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Part 2 This post is a continuation of Part one of our RFQ Tips segment. A RFQ is all about the competitive bidding process however competitive bidding is no guarantee…

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RFQ Tips

Part 1

The RFQ or Request for Quotation is also referred to as a Request for Qualifications. Both procurement forms are used by Buyers when they approach Vendors for goods or services in the Quotation instance and in the Qualifications scenario they are looking for specifics to determine whether you as the Supplier might qualify to complete a requirement the Buyer has identified.

The RFQ for Qualifications might be to determine whether you are able to complete special artwork for a public environment like say a public library for example. In this instance, the Buyer might offer the Supplier a small stipend like $500-1000 to create some form of facsimile of what they would provide as artwork for this public space. From the samples of artwork provided by potential bidders the Buyer would then consider an award.

In general, when talking RFQ’s most vendors would assume you are looking for a price quotation for either goods or services. A RFQ is a great way to get the current pulse or cost in the marketplace for the item(s) you seek. By issuing a RFQ, the vendor understands they have a shot at winning your purchase order or supply contract so they are often motivated to provide the best terms in an effort to gain your business. Not a guarantee however it is an assumption…read on. (more…)

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